An artificial intelligence algorithm developed by Stanford researchers can determine a neighborhood’s political leanings by its cars

Stanford researchers are using computer algorithms that can see and learn to analyze millions of publicly available images on Google Street View to determine the political leanings of a given neighborhood just by looking at the cars on the streets.

Metro Rail System Cause the Artificial Magnetic Disturbance

An obvious magnetic disturbance has been repeatedly observed by magnetometers located outside of urban areas in Yangmingshan National Park and has affected the monitoring of volcanic activity in the northern region of Taiwan.

Interview With Aimazing – A Singapore based Startup Disrupting the Contactless Payment in South East Asia

Financial technology, or most commonly known as FinTech, is a business made up of companies that adopt latest technology and innovation with existing resources in order to contest in the marketplace of traditional financial establishments and mediators in the delivery of financial services.

Drug Capture System Developed to treat Limb Ischemia

Dr. Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh, Dr. Steve Roffler, and colleagues at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences have announced a new treatment for limb ischemia that may solve many of the traditional problems for treating the disease.