‘Virtual Psychiatrist’ Is Effective In Diagnosing Mental Disorders: Study

India has a severe shortage of psychiatrists, as a result of which mental illness in rural areas either remains undiagnosed or does not get proper treatment. A ‘virtual psychiatrist’ tool developed by Indian researchers can help address this problem.

Taiwan shines at International Junior Science Olympiad 2017

Taiwan was the best performer at the International Junior Science Olympiad Dec. 3-12 in Arnhem-Nijmegen, the Netherlands, with all six members of the national team winning golds.

How Malaria Tricks the Immune System

The new study suggests a possible defense in the battle against this deadly disease Global efforts to eradicate malaria are crucially dependent on scientists’ ability to outsmart the malaria parasite.

Scientists Reveal What Makes Human Cells Maintain Calcium Equilibrium

Calcium levels inside human cells play a crucial role in normal functioning of cells and even in cell death. The mechanism and factors determining calcium movement across cell membrane have remained elusive to researchers for a long time.

Stanford-led artificial intelligence index tracks emerging field

A Stanford-led team has launched the first index to track the state of artificial intelligence and measure technological progress in the same way the GDP and the S&P 500 index take the pulse of the U.S. economy and stock market.

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology turns 30

On November 25, 1987, a global institution for genetic engineering and biotechnology started operation with its first experiment. It started a special programme of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with a membership of 22 countries across the world.

Scientists Re-Confirm Possibility of Large Earthquakes in the Himalayas

A new study has reconfirmed possibility that large earthquakes are imminent in the Himalayas. While high levels of strain are getting constantly accumulated along the Main Himalayan Thrust region, only a fraction of it is getting released through small earthquakes of magnitudes less than 5 on the Richter scale.

One Solution for Different Problems

Can there be one solution for preventing heart attacks, measuring soil moisture and detecting explosives?

DNA Barcoding Helps in Checking Illicit Trade in Endangered Plants

Indian scientists have developed a reference library to provide molecular identity to a threatened plant species, Decalepis, found in peninsular India - Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Weight gain during pregnancy may help shorter women have healthy babies

A new study has shown that little weight gain during pregnancy may be beneficial for the child, for shorter women who are more likely to deliver low birth weight babies.

New Method Developed to Map and Monitor Glacial Lakes

Bursting of glacial lakes is a major cause of concern in the context climate change. Retreat of glaciers is expected to increase the number of glacial lakes and also expand the size of existing ones, posing threats for catastrophic floods.

Research Stash Weekly Review #8

Missed any latest news in STEM? Check out our weekly roundup of latest news in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math).

New Toolkit Reveals Novel Cancer Genes

A new statistical model has enabled researchers to pinpoint 27 novel genes thought to prevent cancer from forming, in an analysis of over 2000 tumors across 12 human cancer types.

Susan Bulkeley Butler Award presented at International Breast Cancer Prevention Symposium

The Susan Bulkeley Butler Leadership Excellence Award was presented to the president of Uruguay and an oncologist at Indiana University during the International Breast Cancer Prevention Symposium

Step inside the mind of the young Stephen Hawking as his PhD thesis goes online for the first time

Stephen Hawking’s Ph.D. thesis, ‘Properties of expanding universes’, has been made freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world, after being made accessible via the University of Cambridge’s Open Access repository, Apollo.

Researchers Quantify Breast Cancer Risk Based on Rare Variants and Background Risk Findings Reported at ASHG 2017 Annual Meeting

Rare variants combined with background genetic risk factors may account for many unexplained cases of familial breast cancer, and knowing the specific genes involved could inform choice of prevention and treatment strategies

Genes critical for hearing identified

The study, published in Nature Communications, tested 3,006 strains of 'knock-out' mice for signs of hearing loss. 'Knock-out' mice have one gene from their genome inactivated, which helps researchers to uncover the functions of that gene.

Spare Parts Might “Jump-Start” Protein Design

scientists have created new proteins based on “existing natural parts,” that carry out their intended function with flying colors. This research was reported yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PNAS.

New functions of hippocampus unveiled to bring insights to causes and treatments of brain diseases

A research team led by Lam Woo Professor of Biomedical Engineering Ed X. Wu of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong has made a major breakthrough in unveiling the mysteries of the brain

Together Science Can: Global campaign to promote international collaboration

The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance joins the global campaign “Together Science Can” to promote and celebrate international collaboration in science. Launched on 28 September, Together Science Can encourages researchers around the world to join together to protect the future of vital collaboration. 

Graphene Forged Into Three-dimensional Shapes

Researchers from Finland and Taiwan have discovered how graphene, a single-atom-thin layer of carbon, can be forged into three-dimensional objects by using laser light.

A green light for green chemistry: the discovery of new enzymes synthesizing alkaloid natural products

 In nature, living organisms use primary metabolites containing simple building blocks as their starting materials. An important part of utilizing these starting materials is enzymes, which efficiently catalyze a variety of chemical reactions and generate a large number of natural products through biosynthetic pathways.

Paper-based tuberculosis test could boost diagnoses in developing countries

Diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) early can allow patients to receive the medicine they need and also help prevent the disease from spreading. But in resource-limited areas, equipment requirements and long wait times for results are obstacles to diagnosis and treatment. To tackle this problem, scientists report in ACS Sensors the development of a fast, paper-based tuberculosis test that can be read with a smartphone.

WCIT 2017 ICT Award Winners Shared their Dreams of Future Digital Economy Revolution

The three-day event WCIT 2017 was successfully concluded yesterday and the main highlight of the event was the WCIT 2017 ITC award ceremony.  The 21st World Congress on Information Technology kick-started in Taipei on September 11th. The 3-day event was aimed at bringing in the latest trends of digital economy development to the island nation.

21st World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2017) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan

WCIT 2017 will provide an interdisciplinary, international platform where local, regional and global business opportunities are promoted. Taiwan boasts an excellent high-level domestic marketplace with strong links to all of Asia. Key policymakers and stakeholders from all over the world will be present, and there will be ample networking opportunities with qualified, potential customers, suppliers and partners.

Science publishes Super Steel breakthrough developed by HKU-led Beijing-HK-Taiwan team at low cost

Automotive, aerospace and defense applications require metallic materials with ultra-high strength. However, in some particular high-loading structural applications, metallic materials shall also have large ductility and high toughness to facilitate the precise forming of structural components and to avoid the catastrophic failure of components during service.

Formosat-5 launches successfully, makes contact with ground station

Taiwan’s first indigenously produced ultra-high resolution Earth observation satellite Formosat-5 was launched at 2:51 a.m. Aug. 25 Pacific Daylight Time from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, representing a milestone in the nation’s space technology industry.

Taiwan earmarks $527M for AI development

Taiwan announced plans to invest TWD16 billion ($527 million) over the next four to five years to boost the country’s artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, The China Post reported.

USC Stem Cell scientists obtain “how to” guide for producing hair follicles

How does the skin develop follicles and eventually sprout hair? A USC-led study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), addresses this question using insights gleaned from organoids, 3D assemblies of cells possessing rudimentary skin structure and function--including the ability to grow hair.

Researchers From Taiwan Has Discovered A New Mechanism of Memory Formation

There is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: “Once bitten by a snake, you will fear grass rope for ten years”. If a fortunate individual bitten by a poisonous snake managed to survive, the shape of the snake and the sense of danger will be associated together and stored into memory.

Stanford Professor Creates An Artificial Eclipse To Image Extrasolar Planets

As anyone anticipating this month’s eclipse knows, one way to dim a star is to block it with something else – the moon, perhaps. Or in the case of distant stars whose light masks orbiting exoplanets, a shade-throwing satellite might do.

Science Beam – using computer vision to extract PDF data

There’s a vast trove of science out there locked inside the PDF format. From preprints to peer-reviewed literature and historical research, millions of scientific manuscripts today can only be found in a print-era format that is effectively inaccessible to the web of interconnected online services and APIs that are increasingly becoming the digital scaffold of today’s research infrastructure.

Research Stash Weekly Review #7

Research Stash Weekly Roundup ~ Latest news in Science and Technology around the globe.

Research Stash Weekly Review #6

Research Stash Weekly Roundup ~ Latest news in Science and Technology around the globe.

Scientists develop method for real-time glutathione measuring

Glutathione is the most abundant natural antioxidant in cells. It protects them from damage and regulates a number of important functions, including cell proliferation and death, the synthesis of the genetic material and proteins and the activation of gene expression.

NSRRC – An advanced synchrotron source serving basic and applied research

 "If only scientists gave us the technology to travel at the speed of light the solar system would be an open book." - Unknown "Light" has always been indispensable to man's exploration of nature. All wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum can be referred to as "light". "Light" of different wavelengths is used for different purposes. … Continue reading NSRRC – An advanced synchrotron source serving basic and applied research

Research Stash Weekly Review 3

We're excited to bring you the latest news from Science and Tech in Research Stash Weekly Review 3

Early Stress Exposure Confers Lifelong Vulnerability, Causing Long-Lasting Alterations in a Specific Brain Reward Region

Mount Sinai study establishes mechanism by which an early window of exposure defines the response to stress in adulthood

Dr. Arun Netravali, HDTV tech pioneer, wins Prestigious Marconi Award

Dr. Arun Netravali, former president of Bell Labs (now Nokia Bell Labs) and leader of key base technology for MPEG 1, 2 and 4 that ushered in digital video revolution in TV and mobile and streaming video has been awarded the prestigious Marconi Prize for 2017.

Research Stash Weekly Review 2

Research Stash Weekly Review 2 - Latest news from Science and technology

Taiwan-made public health videos reach finals of ICPIC Clip Award

Two Taiwan-made public health videos reached the finals of a clip award competition taking place as part of the fourth International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control June 20-23 in Geneva.

Research Stash Weekly Review One

Weekly review of latest news from Science and Technology on Research Stash

Taiwanese Students Shine at Intel Science Fair

Taiwan high school students won three third-place awards, one fourth-place award and one special award for their outstanding performances at the prestigious Intel International Science and Engineering Fair May 19 in Los Angeles.

When Deep Learning Meets Bioinformatics in Personal Genome Annotation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), these kinds of terms sound very familiar, right? When you get on to the internet you have great chances of coming across an article or news about the advancement in these areas.

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Reduces Suicide Risk among Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients

The launch of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan in 1995 has led to an average of 20% reduction of the relative magnitude of suicide mortality in newly diagnosed cancer patients versus the general population, according to a new study by researchers at National Taiwan University (NTU). This study has been published online on 2 March 2017 in Psycho-Oncology.

Sensors detect disease markers in breath

A small, thin square of an organic plastic that can detect disease markers in breath or toxins in a building’s air could soon be the basis of portable, disposable sensor devices. By riddling the thin plastic films with pores, University of Illinois researchers made the devices sensitive enough to detect at levels that are far too low to smell, yet are important to human health.

MOFA short film highlights Taiwan’s global health contributions

A short film focusing on one of the millions of success stories resulting from international medical contributions by the Republic of China (Taiwan) was released May 6 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Science and Technology Innovation in Taiwan


Stay Simple to Express a Noble Aspiration: the RSC & AlChE Fellow—Prof. Chen Yu-wen

Professor Chen Yu-wen from the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, a person wearing retro glasses and looking like an artist, was honorably selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) last year and a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) in this year.

Drug Capture System Developed to treat Limb Ischemia

Dr. Patrick Ching-Ho Hsieh, Dr. Steve Roffler, and colleagues at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences have announced a new treatment for limb ischemia that may solve many of the traditional problems for treating the disease.

Targeting BDNF in the medial thalamus for the treatment of central poststroke pain in a rodent model

Approximately 7-10% of patients develop a chronic pain syndrome after the stroke. This chronic pain condition is called central poststroke pain (CPSP). Recent studies have observed an abnormal increase in the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in spinal cord tissue after spinal cord injury. An animal model of CPSP was established by an intra-thalamus … Continue reading Targeting BDNF in the medial thalamus for the treatment of central poststroke pain in a rodent model

Antibody targeting IL-17B/RB proved effective for pancreatic cancer

Of all battles against cancer, when it comes to the therapeutics for pancreatic cancer, more than ever, it is too little and too late. That is why, when Dr. Wen-Hwa Lee’s team developed an antibody and proved that it can extend the life of lab mice to twice longer than its compared group, the participating scientists are excited, for they have pushed the milestone one step further in finding the therapeutics for pancreatic cancer patients

Peptide Nasal Spray to Delay Onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Rita P.-Y. Chen, an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Biological Chemistry along with Dr. Pang-hsien Tu, a former Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, and their research teams recently found that a modified short peptide delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease when delivered in the form of a nasal drop in a mouse model.

BioTaiwan 2017 – One Of the Largest Biotech Events In Asia

The tentative agenda for BioTaiwan 2017 was recently announced, Now is its 16th year, BioTaiwan 2017 is 5 events in 1, including the BioBusiness Asia Conference, Greater China & Asia-Pacific Opportunities Conference, BioTaiwan Exhibition, Company Presentations, One-on-one Partnering and a full Seminar and Workshop program.

Local winners of NASA hackathon announced in Taipei

The winners of the local edition of the NASA Space Apps Challenge, which this year is themed “Earth,” were announced April 30 in Taipei City, with two Taiwan teams nominated to vie against competitors from around the world in the finals of the largest international hackathon.

COMPUTEX 2017 – Taiwan’s largest IoT Trade Show

The booming of mobile devices such as smartphones has fundamentally changed PC buyers’ habits and set the PC market into a steady slump in recent years. According to Gartner, PC shipments continue to decline each year since 2012, while gaming PCs continue to show growth with shipments expected to reach 8.7 million in 2020 (up from 6 million in 2015), accounting for 13% of total consumer PCs.

Infant MRIs show autism linked to increased cerebrospinal fluid

MRIs show a brain anomaly in nearly 70 percent of babies at high risk of developing the condition who go on to be diagnosed, laying the groundwork for a predictive aid for pediatricians and the search for a potential treatment

Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics Workshop Was Held At Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Research misconduct is increasingly a problem in the Taiwan academic community and recently has become an important issue. Society expects ethical behavior to come naturally for a researcher at our national academic institutions.

The Taipei Veterans General Hospital-NYMU Research Team’s Regeneration Breakthrough Is Published in “CELL”

Regeneration medicine proceeds a great breakthrough. Through international collaboration with Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong, an Academician and professor of University of Southern California, and Dr. Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, a professor of National Yang Ming University, Dr. Chih-Chiang Chen, an attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, recently demonstrated that plucking a few properly arranged hairs can trigger regeneration of up to 5 times more neighboring, unplucked resting hairs.

To nap or not to nap, that is the question

There are times in a person’s life when sleeping enough doesn’t seem possible. Most of these times tend to coincide with having to take final exams. So, the question is, when a person is a sleep deprived, should they take a nap, take a break, or power through and keep studying - for the best result?