Stanford-led artificial intelligence index tracks emerging field

A Stanford-led team has launched the first index to track the state of artificial intelligence and measure technological progress in the same way the GDP and the S&P 500 index take the pulse of the U.S. economy and stock market.

An artificial intelligence algorithm developed by Stanford researchers can determine a neighborhood’s political leanings by its cars

Stanford researchers are using computer algorithms that can see and learn to analyze millions of publicly available images on Google Street View to determine the political leanings of a given neighborhood just by looking at the cars on the streets.

This Taiwan Based Startup is Solving the Healthcare Challenges By Using AI & Cloud Technology

Modern healthcare is moving towards precision medicine rather than traditional one-size-fits-all approach. Recent advancements in technology are making this trend much faster than it was happening.

Taiwan earmarks $527M for AI development

Taiwan announced plans to invest TWD16 billion ($527 million) over the next four to five years to boost the country’s artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, The China Post reported.

MOST , Taiwan unveils plan for AI research centers

The Ministry of Science and Technology unveiled plans July 6 to establish up to four artificial intelligence innovation research centers across Taiwan as part of government efforts to enhance the nation’s competitiveness in AI technology.

A European Startup is revolutionizing Genome Diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence

Diploid is a Leuven-based genomics start-up that aims to revolutionize healthcare by bringing genome diagnostics into daily clinical practice. Peter Schols, CEO of Diploid, founded the company in 2014 out of his passion for both software development and genetics.

Research Stash Weekly Review 2

Research Stash Weekly Review 2 - Latest news from Science and technology